Q. How can I obtain a copy of my giving statement from a previous year(s)?
A. Select “My Giving History” from the main menu. Set the date range for the selected period, then select “View Statement”.
Note: Contributions entered from a previous year will not be displayed on the giving history screen. Only contributions for the current year will be displayed on the giving history screen. Example: Currently, you will only see your 2025 giving. To view 2024 giving, you must set the date range for 2024.
Q. I am not a partner/member, but I have contributed financially; how can I obtain a copy of my giving statement?
A. You can access your information through the partner portal. You will need to create an account to gain access to the system. If we do not have an email address on file, you will be prompted to fill out an account request form. This form is automatically sent to Congregational Care where it will be reviewed.
Q. I am married and my spouse is also a Kingdom partner, how are our contributions reported?
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Q. My spouse and I would like to receive separate giving statements, what should I do?
A. In order to receive separate giving statements, we will need to create individual accounts for you and your spouse. Send an email to: kfclc.trustee.ministry@gmail.com.
In the body of the email, please provide both you and your spouse’s name and email addresses in your request.
Note: You cannot use the same email address on different accounts. A member of the finance team will review your request and follow-up when the change is complete.