Love, Joy, Peace...

Dear Brothers,

It is with great joy and anticipation that we welcome you to our Men's Ministry, "Kings Men"! We are thrilled to embark on this journey together, fostering a community where men can grow in their faith, support one another, mentor our young kings, and become the leaders God has called us to be.

Our vision for Kings Men is to create a space where every man feels valued, encouraged, and empowered to pursue a deeper relationship with Christ. Through fellowship, discipleship, and service, we aim to build strong, Christ-centered bonds that will uplift us in our spiritual walks and in our daily lives.

I’m asking for EVERY man at Kingdom Fellowship to join us at our upcoming Kings Men summit, on Saturday July 20th, from 2pm-4pm, held at Kingdom Fellowship Christian Life Center! During this time, I will be sharing the vision that God has given me for every man, young man and boy at KF! Together, we will explore what it means to be godly men in today’s world, supporting each other in prayer, accountability, and love.

As Kings Men, we have an exciting array of events, panel discussions, bible studies, and service opportunities planned. These gatherings are designed to equip us to navigate the challenges of life with wisdom and strength, grounded in the Word of God. Whether you are new to the church or have been with us for years, there is a place for you in Kings Men.

The calendar of events and opportunities will be shared with you, officers will be elected and appointed, and the vision for the remainder of 2024 will be cast.

We look forward to seeing the incredible ways God will work in and through us as we unite under His guidance and grace.


In His Service,

Pastor Timothy Findley, Jr.  

