Love, Joy, Peace...

Giving date: Sunday, December 3, 2023 

We, the partners of Kingdom Fellowship Christian Life Center, are embarking on a transformative journey as we endeavor to align our faith community with the purpose of God. With hearts filled with hope and gratitude, we pledge our support to the "God First" giving campaign. Matthew 6:33 admonishes us, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Here, Jesus is emphasizing the importance of seeking a relationship with God and living in accordance with His righteousness as the primary focus of a Christian's life. By doing so, Jesus suggests that all other necessary things will be provided by God. It encourages believers to prioritize spiritual matters, faith, and a righteous way of living above material concerns, trusting that God will provide for ALL of our needs. As a church family, our combined efforts will ensure that our church remains a beacon of love, service, and faith for generations to come. We believe God has called us to GREATER! Together, we will not only position ourselves as a church to step into God's greater, but also continue building a ministry of hope, community, and inspiration!

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